What We Do

Roads Going Green Initiative seeks to transform highways into green corridors, enhance biodiversity, and engage local communities in sustainable practices. By strategically planting trees, the initiative aims to sequester carbon dioxide, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and improve air quality. It also strives to create habitats for various species, protect natural ecosystems, and raise awareness about the importance of environmental conservation.

Tree planting

Tree Planting

We are dedicated to planting trees and creating greener communities. Our mission is threefold: to mitigate the effects of climate change, enhance air quality, and promote biodiversity.

Training and Sensitization

We offer comprehensive training programs designed to empower individuals and communities with the necessary tools and expertise in tree planting and environmental conservation.

Research and Innovation

Research & Innovation

We understand that in order to make a lasting impact, we must continuously explore new ideas, technologies, and approaches to address the challenges we face.